By Michael H. Wasserman on Sunday, 16 January 2022
Category: Wasserblawg

The who, what and how of Chicago blue cart recycling

As many of my clients are new to the Chicago area, I’m often asked about recycling, typically as we sit around the closing table. And, since there are updated rules and schedules, I thought I’d jot down a quick overview and links for Chicago’s nifty recycling guide.

Chicago’s path towards city-wide residential recycling has been littered with missteps and good ideas gone bad. The infamous “blue bag” program was introduced more than two decades ago (1995). It was confusing, messy, and largely ineffective.

Thankfully, in 2007 Chicago popped the blue bags and rolled out its Blue Cart Residential Recycling Program. Even that was slow to gain traction. It took another seven years before residents of every neighborhood in the city had access to the bright blue carts and consistent pick-up service. 

Who gets a blue cart?
The Blue Cart program provides bi-weekly recycling services to single-family homes and multi-unit buildings with four or fewer units. If your home is eligible and you don’t have a blue cart, call 311 or your ward office to request one.

When is pick up?
Recycling is picked up every other week. Which week? Check out Chicago’s recycling schedule.

What goes into the blue cart?
Many everyday household items. The important thing is to empty and rinse every item. Otherwise the item just ends up in the landfill.

Put these items into the blue cart:

Do not put these into the blue cart:

There’s more. Recycle by City has the official Chicago recycling list.
Plus, you can take this quick quiz to see if you’re a good recycler (I got 83%).

Can you recycle computers and hazardous waste? 
Chicago recycles those items, too. But you have to drop them off at the Household Chemical and Computer Recycling Facility at 1150 N. North Branch Street during drop-off times (see below). It’s easy—they even have a team to help you unload.

The Household Chemical and Computer Recycling Facility accepts:

Check out the facility’s complete list.

Facility drop off times are:

Happy recycling! Thanks for doing your part to keep our city green.

Learn more:
Curious City: What Really Happens to Chicago's Blue Cart Recycling?

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