
The who, what and how of Chicago blue cart recycling in 2018

Remember to empty and rinse every item. Image from Recycle By City.
By Michael Wasserman

As many of my clients are new to Chicago, I’m often asked about recycling, typically as we sit around the closing table finalizing purchases. And, since there are updated rules and schedules, I thought I’d jot down a quick overview and links to Chicago’s nifty recycling guide. Plus a cool quiz.

Chicago’s path towards city-wide residential recycling has been littered with missteps and good ideas gone bad. The infamous “blue bag” program was introduced more than two decades ago (1995). It was confusing, messy and largely ineffective.

Thankfully, in 2007 Chicago popped the blue bags and rolled out its Blue Cart Residential Recycling Program. Even that was slow to gain traction. It took another seven years before residents of every neighborhood in the city had access to the bright blue carts and consistent pick-up service.

Who gets a blue cart?
The Blue Cart program provides bi-weekly recycling services to single-family homes and multi-unit buildings with four or fewer units. If your home is eligible and you don’t have a blue cart, call 311 or your ward office to request one.

When is pick up?
Recycling is picked up every other week. Which week? Check out Chicago’s 2018 recycling schedule.

What goes into the blue cart?
Many everyday household items. The important thing is to empty and rinse every item. Otherwise the item just ends up in the landfill.

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Do I HAVE to shovel? Chicago snow shoveling law and etiquette

Set aside any discussion of climate change or COVID for a moment. It’s winter. It’s Chicago. It snows. As a homeowner, you owe it to your friends, family, neighbors and delivery people to keep the sidewalks free of snow and ice.

In truth, it’s not just neighborly to shovel—it’s the law. Municipal Code of Chicago (4-4-310 and 10-8-180), to be exact. So, before you claim dibs on your parking spot, make sure you’re doing your share of snow removal on the side walk.

Here’s the lowdown on snow removal in Chicago:

You must shovel as soon as possible after snow falls—seven days a week. There is no “weekend” exceptionSnow that falls between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm must be cleared by 10:00 pm Snow that falls between 7:00 pm and 7:00 am must be cleared by 10:00 amYou must clear at least a five-foot wide path on all sidewalks adjacent to your property, including any crosswalk rampsDon’t pile your snow into the right-of-way, bus stop, parking spaces, bike lanes or Divvy stations
What if you don’t shovel? 
Failure to abide is punishable by fines, ranging from $50 to $500 per day on a case-by-case basis, as determined by City Administrative Hearings judges. Business fines can go up to $1,000/day.

Here’s why you really should shovel
Law aside, we’re a walking city—clearing the walkway is the nice thing to do. When you shovel, you make a path for kids getting to school, pet owners walking pets, people with disabilities, seniors and those with mobility challenges. And don’t forget about your USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex and Amazon deliverers—be sure to clear the path to your front door and mail box.

On the Other Hand....

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